Saturday, December 26, 2009

26 dec 09

26 dec 09 stick with my baby again . LOL ....

HEADED to neverland with a group of friends . they too drank to take photo . lol
bring gangster along too ;)
on the 25th dec , meet my baby boy first .
headed orchard to shortening my bracelet tat baby bought for me .
as i almost lost it two day ago ? make me dame sad la .
but wat belong to me always mine ! lol .

after that go look for present for gift exchange later on ....
night went look for my parents and cousin also there too .
no photo of penny , ethel and jason . cox they only appear in video . LOL .
orchard is dame crowded lahs . see my baby boy so KPO . stand there and watch the aunts dancing . .
24th the chistmas eve the most happening night at nacississ ! .

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