06 is the date we started .
today is our 16 th month anniversary .
THANK for the past 16 month ....
and the dinner just now .
you are the sweetest silly boy i ever had.
i love you always .
no matter what , life still have to go on.
there many people passed you everyday , every min , every sec .
today is our 16 th month anniversary .
THANK for the past 16 month ....
and the dinner just now .
you are the sweetest silly boy i ever had.
i love you always .
no matter what , life still have to go on.
there many people passed you everyday , every min , every sec .
but there few will stop to say hi to you .
in the very fews ,willing be your friend.
so one true friend is enough .
no matter how sad you can be , if he is not the right one .
he will never ever stop for you .
okay , i will stop here .
may not update for some time due to many programme .
will try to ya ?
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