today is SAT ...
went to work !!!!!!!!
after that cab to esther house to celebrate her advance birthday ...

left class at 6 pm .
took bus to vivo meet betty for shopping ! <3
anyway . advance one day happy birthday ..
cooked by ME ;) this is our breakafast and lunch... we so poor thing lo . parent all not round , went to fou tang le ... so i need to cook myself .arhx
AT night , jason fetch me and mayjiejie to fou tang to eat ;)
YTD , 6 pm plus after may jiejie go watch movie with BF .
i lefted ALONE ! :(
so i after had my dinner and pack my things den FALL ASLEEP until next day noon .
All things started to change when you started to grown . you will how evil a human being can be , no matter is attutide or character .
我不想长大 !!!!!
I wake up at morning and had breakfast with fatty rene and babby chester . This is the second time we wake up and eat braekfast tgt . after so many years beening night owl .
I finally got a health life-style ;) Sleep early wake up early .
After the breakfast and kpo session . Feel so no mood to school ,plus not feeling well.
so I rolled to fatty rene house to slack .
After that, miss neenee finally had time to join us at rene house .
I miss her so much ;)
It so hard for the three of us meet tgt lo . hahas
After that . neenee need to back home for dinner and I and rene go central walkwalk …
ytd at night , deardear come to amk look for me . actually i not feeling very well . from the day before ytd , after breakfast with rene . sudden feel so diZzy den feel like vomit and no appetite at all ;(
but i miss him so much , so still go down meet him . lol
* all the best for the ppl taking o level results 2moro ;)