too many photo , so lazy to update . haha .
iall at facebook .

meet friend after today work .
anway thank for the present ;)
everyday is like hell .
i can;t sleep till morning
" it " the only pain killer for me .
i know i getting worst if i continues behaving like this .
what hapened to me ? this is not me !
* please stop asking me what happened .
nothing going wrong . everything FINE !
as usual , i late for one hour =p
sorry ah !
meet rene !!!!
she go my house fetch chester home first . BB bully him the whole day , they two having so much fun lo . hahas
cabbed to orchard , walk walk and shop shop .
been to PS cafe and VIE bar and ya !
i attended school on friday . i misses alot lesson lo . thank to andy give me morning call if not i should be still sleeping . haha .
work after that . .. hahas