NICE ? i love my blogskin
I never been try any other COLOURS blogskins before .
mostly all is black colour . IT make my blog / life so EMO =D
so i try out somthing simple .
LOLS ...
Gonna UPdate soon . been so busy lately.
now alreadi morning 5.05 AM le . which mean i only have 1 and 1/2 hours to sleep .
cause later still need go school.

Asually , i wake up late GIRL . thank you for waking me out =)
lucky daddy is here this morning AND willing to drive me school =D
Now den i realise that actually motor is a very useful VEHICLE too . imagines if i cab down , i will not able to reach school in a short time . cox of the terrible TRAFFIC JAM . lols
saw pearly in the school . world are alway so small .
After school . eat with samantha and den rushed down to clarke quay to meet sharon to go e singtel talk about FULL NUMBER PORTING =.= . SIAN .
when we on the way walking toward e buliding . sharon suddenly say .......
SHARON : hey girl . i reserved two sit for you at my wedding dinner on XXX date. so remember bring your boyfriend come also .
(thinking) wahlao . people no boyfriend la =(( .
actually wanted tel her i DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW . I SINGLE LA . but i know she sure give me a shock face and ask me WHYWHYWHYWHYWHY . what happened ?
this make me decided not to make any correction . aiyo
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