really very lazy to update my blog recently .
SHOULD I close it down ? hmmmm . this week really super slack and free .
been eating and sleep like a PIG =)
*anyway thank for all the best wishes from your ppl .
love the simple and peace celebration .
i officially 20 this year .
abit sad to have a 2 infront . ;(
i found out tat i love sleeping on this day .
on the following day , i really forget about my birthday and happily went to sleep .
all the message and call waked me up .
a sweet mini surprise from serene and melany . thank honey . on the following day , wake up by my sis at 11 plus .saw my friends at my house , treating themself like their house -_________________-where i still wearing my cute pajamas looking at them in shock . PLEASE LO , CAN DON'T LIKE THAT MA . hahas . 我还以为我还在做梦 . and and and who use my com w/o off it ah ?????? lolnight had my dinner with S and C . anyway thank for all the presents ;)
YTD sleep till very late and watch my zhong ji san guo .
i still feel that my grass grass look so CUTE and BETTER than shy ^^.
supposed to meet friends 7 at bishan . but ended up 8 den roll out .
asually all late so ....
went to robin bday party , night went to temptation to drink .
the photo will be update when i get them . hehe .
back to amk , meet rene for breakfast ...
TODAY supposed to meet fats go bugis baibai but both of us overslept .
now is 6.40 and i meeting her at 6.15 .
OOPS . i got to go prepare .BYE .