been working for one week le ,WORK is killing me every single day .Even the people is friendly , boss is nice and the pay is good as in what i expected . baby been fetching me every-morning and today he bring me to had big breakfast before work . Surounded with showed love by friends , family and baby !Seem like everything is so perfect YEA? but i still not very satisfy in many things ;( . i so miss the old days that sleep at day , wake up at night , 24hours stick with baby and everyday is weekend . i hate to wake up in morning la . fucker . hahas .
on last week sunday:
wanted to go there in the morning but baby and i too tired to wake up ! so we went to ecp in noon instead ;) full of people at there , find a carpark wasted almost one hour -.- 2 hours of cycle costed only 6 buck as there promotion going on ? the weather is good and after two hours of cycling incluing chasing around etc make me sweat like hell !hahas
nice ? ♥♥♥...........

cycling half way and rest at jetty.i bought alot junk food ,drink and started to panic ! hahas saw two person(only) paddling around like so weird . when reached home than found out is chirs and his daddy ! he saw me when i about to leave so he didn't call me out ! still bluff me say he got special power that why he know i at EPC -.- hahas almost believe it la . haha 

my fei fei with his yellow top ^o^

all my nake face photo ! hahas . no matter is with or w/o makeup still that zhilian !hehe

22 MAY 2010 SATURDAY...

my another lucky day but i going to keep it to myself . blah ! meet baby out for some light food and walkwalk at orchard as i don't want to waste it off at home too .
walked pass the neo print shop at cine and wanted to take one with baby ! been fews years back since i last took it , think at sec school ? hahas . and i never take any with my bf before beside with friends ? hahahs ....

*too long never take , don;t even rmb how to post le lo . hahas

last week been sick like a dog .! keep fever on and off for a week even using medi from doctor!
thanks god that i recoved now ! ;)