half way i take over -.- . my brain maybe too long never use le abit lag , plus sleepy .
lucky he there help me look out .i don;t really know how to play . home sweet home at 6 am .
actually meeting buddy but due to overslept . so i decided continues roll on my bed !
Today is FUCKING sway day after i had dream if that wonderful person again . NBCB !
stayed at home till 8 plus pm and decided to go amk central print some photos to replace the old one and get my Kol bubble tea . Needed rush to some place at 10 pm , had forced to wear the boot out ! (/.\.'')
asual my style cabbed down the central and wanted to fetch rene along as she say she already done . but she never ans my call and eneded all the dragging my cabbed fare become 10 buck .
Reached there saw melany ;) but the shop Kodak alreadi closed & Kol is super long queque !
waited for 15 min there, get my bubble tea w/o pear .WTF right ! what the point i get a milk tea w/o my favour pear . pissed off . Lated for 45 min , cab uncle bring me the wrong place somemore ! buddy down look for me and cheer me up ;) bryan special down and fetched me home , fall down on the stair & hp dropped . think time to get a new phone ;(( .Headed to st james first and home sweet home . Wanted to online awhile first than realised that sis took my laptop again and locked at room
HOPE everything goes smooth after i wake up !!
next week shall be a busy week for me . how stressful !
neh it's okay ! I love stress ! to tell you the truth, I see it as a challenge and I love challenges for it builds me to be a better person ;)
*baby went to indonasia till monday . hope he enjoy his trip yeah ;)
miss you .
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