never go work today again , again and again . fucking hate office la . LOL .
sleep till noon time and prepared out to orchard taka to meet IVY ,never meet her up since one month plus le lo ;( . baby meet me at night after his stuff , walk walk and went to cine to watch the TOOTH FAIRY .. dame cute and funny show . i love fairy !!!!!! but not tooth fairy of course -.-
*just back from supper with my baby boy .
ytd the very tired day ! busy shop for new year clothes blah blah blah . even thou i not very look forward to the new year , hate it instead lo .meet angeline and gangster girl at 10 am but delayed one hour -.- .they crazy shopping the whole day and i created another hole to my wallet again ! after that K the whole night till 2 plus and need my baby boy down to fetch me home .OMG . love my baby boy so so much la . hahas .

photo will upload when i get it all .
on sat meet up with fats and mel to bishan walk walk and had our dinner at mel house ;) after that they want to play their favourite mj -.- . so i roll over to baby house instead . hehe .
xoxo ....
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