get this necklace at diva shop went walked pass . madly fall in love with it ! so i gived up one of the butterfly necklace and buy this instead . ♥
today i can.t wake up again -.- ! meet my baby after his lesson at 4 pm and headed to suntec .had many many yummy yummy food and ice -cream ^^.bought some cute 24K eyemask and mask recommended by '女人我最大' and some little stuffs . hope my panda eye will improve ;)
we took MRT back amk and i locked baby inside the station ! as all his stuffs is all in my bag . so i w/o pass him his ezlink card and walked out happliy ;p . Let him stay inside there for about 10 min and making fun of him .hahas . his keep show me some KUKU cute face instead of begging me to pass him back his card , he still act one cool and tell me he wanted go orchard cox he not enough of the shopping -.- ''
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