fairtale always so FAKE ! there wun be an sweet and live happily ever after ending for all the storys . i ain;t a princess so there wun be a any prince exist. ;(
Been feeling SO TIRED , SO STRESS and SO LOST life now days.
i hate wearing all the fake mask everyday ! so sick of it can ?....
nothing much to blog about this few days . work was totally y-u-c-k this week as there nothing for me to do and spend my day . so bored and somehow like beening treated so 'transparent' kind , the feeling so terrible which non of your will understand at all .
after work straight away homed as i wished to be beening alone . sometime will headed out supper and drink session with the 'girls' / BF ...
心'已模糊了它只自己的目标, 等于失去了方向盘.
See how much you understand me well ;)
what is favourite activity ?
what is my second favour colour beside purple ?
what is my top favourite food and the arrangment ?
what is my favour drink beside coke and greentea?
what is my bad habit before head to sleep ?
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