sweetest moment always ended fast ...
waked up by baby warm hug and a sweetest morning kiss fall on my forehead .
hold our hand tight to had our lunch at nearby and date at library . after our dinner at s11 and head to NUTC to topup our snack , all my favourite ....

nightmare always come in the worng timing .
sometime is kind of neglected to blog out here but it still my blog .
it should be the place i express my thought , feeling , complain and everythings right .? hmmm. forget it !!!
just realised something and i really need to do something about it ! i hate myself being like that and affected my closer babyboy . he die die don;t want to sleep and roll over my house at 4.30AM !!!! and he got a class at morning 8am . hais . going saiyang him sleep later .
i really do love him alot . no matter there nothing to replace him-♥
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